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Saya hanya membuka 3 kesempatan untuk bertanya.Īkhirnya, ini adalah presentasi dari laporan ini. Kita membutuhkan partisipasi Anda untuk memberikan saran atau saran untuk presentasi kami juga.

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Kami akan memberikan Anda kesempatan untuk bertanya tentang presentasi kami. Pemanasan global adalah situasi matahari bersinar terlalu banyak untuk bumi.

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Cuaca yang tidak menentu, penurunan lapisan ozon. Ketika kita melihat lingkungan kita, banyak contoh yang menunjukkan tentang efek pemanasan global. Dan sekarang mari kita konser tentang pemanasan global. Hari ini, kami konser untuk melihat situasi tentang salah satu berita terjadi. Terima kasih telah memberi saya kesempatan untuk memberikan waktu untuk menyajikan laporan kami. I only open 3 chances for asking.įinally, this is our presentation of this report. we need your participation to give an advise or suggestion for our presentation too. We will give you a chance to ask about our presentation. The global warming is a situation the sun shines is too much to the earth. The unpredictable weather, the decreased ozone skin. When we see our environment, many examples which show about the effect of the global warming. And now lets we concert about the global warming. Today, we are concert to see the situation about one of the happening news. Thank you for giving me a chance to give the time to present our report. Look at the example Presentation of report Good morning all of my friends

  • Finally, this is the conclusion of the report.
  • Let me tell you about the conclusion of this report.
  • To ending the report, you have to have a note about the simple summary, the question from the audiences o important item.
  • Summarizing and concluding/ Meringkas dan penutup.
  • We give you a chance to ask about our presentation.
  • We give the time and place to the audiences to ask about the difficult item or misunderstand about the report.
  • Dealing with the discussion/ Berurusan dengan diskusi.
  • To make the audiences and people more interested, you have to give the examples, such as …
  • Let’s consider this is more detail about ….
  • It means that we have to more understand what we will present, the utterances are likely …
  • Analyzing a point and giving the recommendation/ Menganalisis titik dan memberikan rekomendasi.
  • Today, I would like to present our presentation about the report of ….
  • To introduce the report, it means that you have to say like these …

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    Introducing the report/ Memperkenalkan laporan.Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh.If you want to greet someone or audiences, you can say like that: To make you more understand, please follow our presentation below. There are some items that you have to know while you are in presenting the report.

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